Ovulation Test Q&As

Our ovulation test measures the FDA-recommended cut-off level of 25 mlU/ml LH hormone, which is the lowest amount that will trigger a positive result. This is to protect against false positives. The test can detect LH levels 24-48 hours before ovulation occurs and help you keep track of your cycle. Keeping track of your average menstruation cycle can help better predict the best time to perform the ovulaation test and when your ovulatory cycle may take place. It is recommended to start testing each day for 5 days after you calculate your individualized ovulation versus menstrual cycle. Our user guide includes a chart to make it easier to calculate.
Ovulation test works by identifying the reproductive hormone called luteinizing hormone, or LH. This hormone is ever present in your urine but its levels increase significantly 24 to 48 hours prior to ovulation. The LH surge triggers ovulation, which is when the egg is released in healthy fertile women. Medical studies have proven that LH testing is a reliable way to detect ovulation. By detecting this sudden LH surge, ovulation tests help you predict, with great accuracy, exactly when you will ovulate.
If your cycle is 21 days or less, the best time to start testing would be at about day 5 of your cycle (counting one from the 1st day of your period). If your cycle is longer than 40 days, you can start testing roughly 17 days before you expect your next period. Again, we recommend testing for several days in order to find your peak time.
It is recommended to read the result after about 5 minutes, even though the result may be observed as soon as 1 minute, in order to give the strip enough time to finish the reaction.
he ovulation window is about 12-24 hours long. However, because sperm can survive for 3-5 days, your window of fertility can be considered to be between 5-7 days long.
There are some reasons that could cause a missing LH surge, which is the ovulation peak time. We wish to share the tips below to help you better understand the situation and help you find your peak ovulation time.
- When the test line is lighter than the control line, this always indicates a negative result.
- If test line was darker in the earlier days but becomes lighter later, that means the ovulation peak time was missed already before that window. We suggested you try another cycle. The ovulation window is short and not always easy to catch for some individuals. Please be patient and try again.
- Some women may have regular or irregular periods but no ovulation, which is called an anovulatory cycle. This situation happens when estrogen production continues to develop the uterine lining without reaching the threshold necessary to trigger ovulation. When it then drops, a woman’s period occurs without ovulation. The other way it can happen is that the lining of your womb continues to thicken, waiting for an egg that is not released until it reaches the point where it can no longer sustain itself and it breaks away from the wall of the womb, again resulting in a period. If you believe that you may be experiencing one of those issues or the ovulation test cannot detect ovulation for several months in a row, consult with a physician.
- If the woman is currently or recently been on birth control, be aware that some types of birth control are meant to stop ovulation in order to prevent pregnancy.
- This could be the result of testing too early or too late. Be sure to track your cycles in order to get a better understanding of when to start testing. We have included a chart that helps indicate best times to start testing.
There are many reasons an invalid test result may occur. We would like to share some common, possible reasons with you.
- There was not enough of the urine sample to saturate the test strip.
- The ovulation test strip was dipped past the max line per instructions. If user urinates onto the absorbent pad, it is easy to spill over to pass the max line if the urine stream is too fast.
- Using an old or diluted urine sample. It is recommended to use a morning sample to avoid dilution.
- The test strip did not sit long enough in the sample. You should keep the tip in urine until dye rises into the results window. (Est. time: 5-10 seconds)
- In a very unlikely situation, people are using a test strip that has an expired date, has been left out for an extended period outside of the foil packet, exposed to heat or cold (store between 39-86°F) or a used test strip. All of these may cause an invalid response.
No, but your cycle may be irregular for a while afterwards. This will make it harder to know when to start testing. We suggest waiting until you have 2 consecutively natural menstrual cycles and track your average period cycle before using an ovulation predictor test.
By studying your cycle, you can find when you tend to ovulate. People tend to think it's always the 14 day mark, but that's not always what happens on an individual basis. The best indication of ovulation is finding the time when the greatest amount of fluid is produced from the cervix. From there, the ovulation window is 12-24 hours.
Ovulation calculators are also available to help you figure out your ovulation period. However, these calculators are based on averages and your ovulation period may differ from your calculated period. We recommend studying your cycle using the method above.
You can test anytime of day, but nost women typically find their LH surge at 2 pm or after. Using a concentrated sample is recommended for testing. To achieve this, reduce liquids a couple hours before testing. Please make sure to compare the test line to the control line between 3-5 minutes for initial results.
While in pregnancy tests, a faint line could mean a positive result, that is not the case with ovulation tests. If the variable line on test results is fainter or lighter than the reference line, then the result is negative.
Not necessarily. The ovulation test only tests for luteinizing hormone. While the hormone is primarily produced right before ovulation, some discrepancies may occur:
- You may not actually ovulate (an anovulatory cycle)
- Women with polycystic ovaries, premature ovulation failure, or perimenopause tend to have high LH levels
No. Test results must be read at 5 minutes. Though a positive result should not change for several days, a negative result may change to a false positive within minutes after the end of the testing period, which would not be an accurate reading. It is always best to read the results at the 5 minute testing period and then discard the test to avoid confusion.
No. Each urine sample will vary in its chemical makeup, as will the humidity of the air in testing chamber (room). Such variations in physical conditions can cause the vertical streaking and/or the pink-rose background color but will not affect the test results. As long as the control band appears within five minutes, the test is working properly.
No, but you should consult your physician if you are taking any medication.
The rising in basal body temperature primarily indicates that ovulation has already occurred. This test indicates that ovulation is about to occur.
We suggest that you limit your fluid intake for about two hours before you collect your urine. Because heavy intake of fluids prior to testing will dilute the hormone in your urine.
When exposed to cold temperatures and frozen, the ovulation tests still can be used to three months or longer depending on the length of frozen time and expiry date. In the instructions we mentioned “Do not freeze." because our claimed shelf life is 2 years since the manufacturing date. If frozen, the shelf life will be sooner than the expiration date printed on the pouch. Therefore, to make sure test can be used before expiration date, manufacturer requires "Do not freeze."
It is very important before usage, please make sure the tests are back to room temperature (39.2ºF ~86 ºF) and avoid freezing the product again.